Sunday, February 1, 2009


An Egyptian newspaper revealed that an Egyptian company supplied IOF troops with food through the Owja crossing during the war on Gaza while the Rafah crossing was closed in the face of relief supplies to Palestinians.

Al-Osbo’ weekly said that regular convoys of lorries carried the food supplies from the Sadat city to the Owja crossing to deliver the products of the “International Union of Wholesome Food Products” to the Israeli “Channel Foods” company which in turn supplies it to the IOF troops.

The paper expressed horror at the thought of an Egyptian company supplied the IOF troops with foods labelled “Latha” which means “Delicious” at the time the Egyptian people were expressing their rage at the sorry state of the people of Gaza under siege and under attack.

The paper gave details of drivers, their licence numbers, their addresses, the amount of food they transported and the dates of their deliveries, especially during the war on Gaza and compared those figures with the figures of casualties in Gaza and the closure of the Rafah crossing.

The paper also pointed out that some Egyptian advocates of normalisation with the Zionists have sided with the Egyptian official stand fearing deterioration in relations with their Zionist business partners.

Businesses that had links with the Zionists were especially worried that their businesses would lose out because of the renewed calls for boycotting the Zionist state, and tried to keep their business under wraps
Inilah maklumat yang kita tunggu! Sebelum ini kita ada dengar Hosni Mubarrak dituduh pengkhianat kepada rakyat palestine. Dan, inilah buktinya... Siapa yang membenarkan atau meluluskan sebuah syarikat Mesir menghantar bekalan makanan kepada tentera regim zionist Israel melalui lintasan Owja, sedangkan laluan yang satu lagi untuk membawa bekalan makanan dan bantuan kemanusiaan kepada rakyat Palestine ditutup! Apa ke jadah ni!!

Inilah yang dikatakan oleh Simonkey Perez, bahawa banyak negara Arab berpihak kepada Israel dalam pembantaian dan pembunuhan umat Islam di Gaza, palestina...

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